The presence of the English language in our daily lives and the use of foreignism (Anglicism) as a strategy for learning new vocabularies for students in the sixth year of elementary school


  • Célia Regina GALLO Faculdade Cultura Inglesa, São Paulo/SP, Brasil


English language, Anglicism, Students, Vocabulary


This article is based on the need to assist students in learning English. Based on the presence of the English Language in Brazilian daily life and the use of Anglicisms, the aim is to promote an increase in the lexical repertoire of the participants of this research. Hence, students had the task of sharpening their eyes to everything they perceived written, spoken, or read in their surroundings in English and transform it into content for activities in the classroom. The qualitative research method supports this work. Research-action establishes a dialogical relationship between the researcher and the respondents, in addition to resulting in the perception that simple strategies can be effective and foster reflections on the changes that occur in the language, collaborate with autonomous learning, and the sharing of knowledge. Therefore, it appears that when students are encouraged to perform tasks related to their universe and different from the usual requests, they tend to become more participatory and acquire new knowledge and consequently presenting more satisfactory results.


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How to Cite

GALLO, C. R. . (2021). The presence of the English language in our daily lives and the use of foreignism (Anglicism) as a strategy for learning new vocabularies for students in the sixth year of elementary school . evista BTecLE, 5(2), 002–022. etrieved from