Production of a satirical newspaper by high school students: an experience in an English language remote supervised internship


  • Ana Luísa Viana RODRIGUES UFMG, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil
  • Maria Isabel Rios de Carvalho VIANA CEFET-MG, Divinópolis/MG, Brasil
  • Soares CRUZ UFMG, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil


English language supervised internship, Satirical news, Discourse genres, Social Practice, Critical Literacies


The internship greatly contributes to teacher training and allows the exchange of experiences between undergraduates and graduates. In this sense, this study is a report of the internship carried out in the English classes of 3 groups of the 2nd year of high school students of CEFET/MG Campus Divinópolis. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the entire process was carried out remotely, through synchronous meetings and asynchronous activities. From the observations of synchronous meetings, it was observed the need for greater engagement of students in the discussions and to promote more reflection among the group, followed by critical position. By combining the perceptions with the Critical Analysis of Genres, critical literacies and multiliteracies, an intervention proposal was designed. It consisted of the production of satires on the news genre. The productions revealed the creative potential of the students and their critical position in relation to the cultural context in which they were inserted.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, A. L. V. ., VIANA, M. I. R. de C. ., & CRUZ, S. . (2021). Production of a satirical newspaper by high school students: an experience in an English language remote supervised internship. evista BTecLE, 5(2), 101–116. etrieved from