The teaching of English in the current technological context and its articulation with active methodologies


  • Margarete CASTILHO Faculdade de Tecnologia de Itaquaquecetuba, São Paulo, Brasil


English language, Technology, Globalization, Active Methodologies


The purpose of this paper is to make some considerations about English language teaching in the technological context, as well as its relationship with globalization, technologies and active methodologies. The theoretical foundation is based on the contributions of scholars on the proposed theme, in addition to some observations as an English teacher in public, private and technological schools. Political, social, cultural, technological, linguistic aspects, among others, are interconnected in English teaching in this shared learning environment called the classroom. And it is there that the teacher, in a collaborative way, thinks and rethinks his role as an educator and eternal learner.


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How to Cite

CASTILHO, M. . (2021). The teaching of English in the current technological context and its articulation with active methodologies. evista BTecLE, 5(2), 065–076. etrieved from