Critical Reading of Condensed Milk Nestlé Moça Label
Bakhtin, Package, ReadingAbstract
This article aims to analyze the label of the Moça, based on the studies proposed by the Bakhtin (2003, 2009) and the research done by Fairclough (1989,1992). We will highlight the themes of style, enunciation and enunciation developed by Bakhtin and Voloshinov applied in the analysis of the packaging label of Nestlé. We will observe, through the Critical Discourse Analysis, developed by Norman Fairclough the asymmetric relations between producer and consumer and their implications in the elaboration of the packaging. We will demonstrate how the photograph of the Moça and the colors used in the packaging associate the condensed milk with a light and handmade product, creating incompatibility with the nutritional information that indicates a fundamentally caloric product. Finally, we will prove that the character of Moça, in its dimension and ideological work is far from being mere stamping, because it creates identification relations with a traditional and conservative society.
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