Fatec Zona Leste Students´ Perception of English Lessons During The Pandemics
Reflexive Teaching, Bakhtin, English Language Teaching, Online Lessons, PandemicAbstract
This text aims to show how the reflexive action can help in the development of a teacher´s performance. The focus is on the first phase of the pandemic in a class of a technology college in which the English language is part of the curriculum framework. Bakhtin´s ideological sign notion (2002), activity sphere (2002) and the text as a cultural construction (1993) were used as a theoretical basis. Besides that, the investigative guide for the reflexive teacher by Mckay (2003) also served as a guideline. This paper was based on oral discussions that helped to make the questions asked in the online Forms quiz, the answers given and the observation of the pandemic context. The collected data suggests that part of the students had a positive perception of their learning in online lessons. To school boards and professors, challenges are the technological infrastructure and methodological adaptation to virtual classes.
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