


Corpus Linguistics, Foreign language teaching, Complexity Theory


In the shift from the traditional teaching paradigm to the emerging or complexity paradigm, challenges in school context are analyzed and evaluated with regard to the preparation and production of teaching materials. This work focuses on to use an approach based on Corpus Linguistics and the Complexity Theory in the production of educational activities from lyrics, in order to provide the building of the English learner's knowledge as a foreign language. Therefore we used a corpus of pop lyrics in English. The lexical frequency of this corpus was contrasted to the lexical frequency of other expression varieties of the English language. Thus, the study found theoretical support in Corpus Linguistics, adopting key concepts presented by Berber Sardinha (2004) and Biber (1988). Dealing with the complexity theory, it was used mainly the precepts of Morin (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). Considering the development of this research it was collected a study corpus of approximately 150,000 words present in 585 songs from the bands Beatles, Bon Jovi and Maroon 5 and the singer Bruno Mars. The most common lexical occurrences of this corpus were contrasted to the most frequent occurrences of COCA reference corpus. The analysis also showed the multidimensional profile study corpus as a whole as well as each band. Adopting a dialogical approach in which the student connects and reconnects knowledge and that music is a knowledge that the student brings to the classroom, precepts of the Complexity theory were aligned to the results of the analyzes provided for the design of educational activities. When tested with the students these activities enabled the researchers to apply the tripolar Pineau theory (1988) deepened and enriched by Freire (2009), for realizing that self-hetero-eco-education is present in this work.


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How to Cite

PITOMBEIRA , C. V. ., & DELFINO , M. C. N. . (2017). DIÁLOGOS: LINGUÍSTICA DE CORPUS E COMPLEXIDADE NO ENSINO DE LE COM LETRAS DE MÚSICA . evista BTecLE, 1(1), 241–255. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1022