DICIONÁRIO DE AGRONEGÓCIOS: uma obra inédita e interativa no CPS




dictionary, terminology, didactics, English language


This paper approaches an ongoing project for producing and publishing an Agribusiness bilingual Pedagogical and Terminological Dictionary which involves students and teachers on compiling and translating terms from the area. Our conception of this work today includes publishing it in paper, CDROM and through online access to all the terms by accessing a website through desktop or mobile phone.

This was made possible through an app development performed by students on their Course Completion

Work, which won the mention of best project among all the ones from 2015 first semester at Fatec Rio Preto, besides being indicated to be part of Inova Paula Souza Project. This Dictionary also carries a motivation aim among students from Agribusiness who most of the times do not value the intense practice of English Language.  The origin of all the search for terms is a research conducted using a group of papers from the Agribusiness area, made available online or in our digital libraries or not.  We are guided by Barros methodology (2004) related to the origin of terminological dictionaries when inserting words on an open system.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, E. G. . (2017). DICIONÁRIO DE AGRONEGÓCIOS: uma obra inédita e interativa no CPS . evista BTecLE, 1(1), 256–268. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1023