Inglês Instrumental em Cursos Técnicos: O processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem sob a Perspectiva Sociocultural
Teaching and Learning, English for specific purposes, Sociocultural perspectiveAbstract
This article is part of an ethnographic qualitative research project from a master course, still in progress, in order to investigate the configuration of the process of teaching and learning in English for specific purposes classes at the Technical Course in Sugar and Alcohol, offered by a public technical institution of the state of São Paulo. This research will be carried out through literature searches and readings, questionnaire and biography of the teacher and students, as well as observation, transcription and analysis of classes. The data will be interpreted taking into account the roles of the teacher and students in the light of sociocultural (VYGOTSKY, 1989; JOHNSON, 2009; JOHNSON; GOLOMBEK, 2011; LANTOLF; POEHNER, 2014), so that we can achieve improvements in the teaching process learning, stressing the importance of (co)construction of knowledge and not "transmission" of knowledge. The research proposal is the assumption that the teacher of English for specific purposes not only presents their language and teaching skills, but also interacts with the students in order to arouse their interest in foreign language and the importance of this for his/her career advancement.
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