
  • Eliane Euzébio Faculdade de Tecnologia da Zona Leste de São Paulo
  • Karla Maria Santos de Andrade Costa Faculdade de Tecnologia da Zona Leste de São Paulo
  • Solange Cristina Maida Bazzon Faculdade de Tecnologia da Zona Leste de São Paulo


English, Interdisciplinarity, Analysis and Development of Systems


This study aims to describe the execution of a project called E-Transplant carried out by professors and students from the Analysis and Development of Information Course from the Technology College of East Zone of São Paulo. The project developed an app using geolocation system to better communication between the medical staff and receptors. The language used for this interaction was English due to its status as a Lingua Franca. This way the teaching of English for the Analysis and Development of Information Course is relevant once in Information Technology there are no tools, application or database in Portuguese, they are all in English. The best books about technology are produced in the USA, country which masters this subject. To accomplish this study it was necessary the interdisciplinary between English language and some specific subjects of the course.


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How to Cite

Euzébio , E. ., Costa, K. M. S. de A. ., & Bazzon, S. C. M. . (2017). O ENSINO DA LÍNGUA INGLESA E SUA IMPORTÂNCIA PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO DO APLICATIVO E-TRANSPLANTE . evista BTecLE, 1(1), 478–493. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1037

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