Reflective actions in the use of New Technologies in the academic context: The creation of videos in English Language classes as an integrating and facilitating tool in the teaching and learning process


  • Linda Catarina GUALDA Fatec Itapetininga, Brasil


Audiovisual resources, Videos, English language, Teaching and learning


Audiovisual resources are important tools in foreign language teaching, as they convey information, teach languages, present behavioral models, transmit values, enunciate speeches and dialogues between different audiences and social environments. The use of videos in class brings the practice of everyday life, the languages of learning and communication in modern society, introducing new questions in the educational process. This work intends to show the importance of the video for the learning of English Language in a study developed with students of the first cycles of the Course of Foreign Trade of Fatec Itapetininga / SP in 2014 and 2015. We discuss the elaboration of the videos by the students, the appearance of the idea, the themes, the resources, the importance of the interactivity, the moments of overcoming and the learning with the experience. In the end, a reflection was generated about the relevance of this in the classes as an integrative and facilitating teaching tool that promotes teamwork, communicability, imagination and sensitivity.


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How to Cite

GUALDA, L. C. . (2018). Reflective actions in the use of New Technologies in the academic context: The creation of videos in English Language classes as an integrating and facilitating tool in the teaching and learning process . evista BTecLE, 2(1), 001–020. etrieved from