Digital letter: the Kahoot! as a tool for work in the process teaching-learning Spanish language in higher technological education


  • Maria Auxiliadora de Freitas Bastos MATIAS Faculdade de Tecnologia Professor Waldomiro May, São Paulo, Brasil


Spanish, Kahoot, Active methodology


This work presents a didactic experience under the light of Connectivism’s assumptions and Active Methodology in Spanish learning-teaching. The aim is to propose a critical look about Spanish teaching using an interactive game called Kahoot!. This work is based on Hybrid teaching arising from learning theories of digital age as a customization and technology education. It is a research constituted by the creation of games in Spanish into an interactive Kahoot! platform. The data analyses reveals that after the game’s introduction the digital literacy students was developed, as well as the autonomy in technology in the search for organizational ways of knowledge. The results obtained in this work confirmed that it is an era of collective intelligence in which the student becomes from a simple viewer to a potential protagonist.


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How to Cite

MATIAS, M. A. de F. B. . (2019). Digital letter: the Kahoot! as a tool for work in the process teaching-learning Spanish language in higher technological education . evista BTecLE, 3(1), 137–153. etrieved from

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