Distance teaching: elaboration of scripts for the evaluative activities of English in the Business Management Course - DE (FATEC)


  • Denise Maria de Paiva BERTOLUCCI Faculdade de Tecnologia de Ourinhos, Ourinhos, São Paulo, Brasil


Distance Education, Written Language, English Language


This article brings some reflections about the process of drafting scripts, which aim to guide the student of the Business Management – DT (Distance Teaching) course – to successfully carry out the evaluative activities of english in the virtual learning environment. Written language is considered as crucial in the interaction with the learner of this teaching modality. The purpose is to demonstrate that, although it is a challenge for the teacher to find the word, the tone, the synthesis, the emphasis, the syntactic arrangement suitable to call the student to study and teach him/her the content, it is possible and desirable. You can even impress affectivity in the student's conduction to learning, culminating in the successful accomplishment of the evaluation activity. The texts of Catley LIMA; Michelle MACHADO (2010) and Ana Tinoco CABRAL; Alessandra CAVALCANTE (2010) are taken as support for the premise about the importance of writing in Distance Education.


CABRAL, A. L. T.; CAVALCANTE, A. F. Linguagem escrita. In: CARLINI, Alda Luiza; TARCIA, Rita M. Lino. 20% a distância e agora? São Paulo: Pearson Education do Brasil, 2010.


Disponível em: <http://eadfatec.cps.sp.gov.br/moodle20191/course/view.php?id=33> Acesso em: 13 maio 2019.

HOUAISS, A.; VILLAR, M. S. Dicionário Houaiss de Língua Portuguesa. Elaborado pelo Instituto Antônio Houaiss de Lexicografia e Banco de Dados da Língua Portuguesa S/C Ltda. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2009.

LIMA, C. S. ; MACHADO, M. J. As letras falam: afetividade e escrita em cursos de

Educação a Distância. 3º Simpósio Hipertexto e Tecnologias na Educação: Redes Sociais e

Aprendizagem. Anais Eletrônicos. 2010. Disponível em:

<http://www.nehte.com.br/simposio/anais/Anais-Hipertexto-2010/Catley-Santos&Michellehttp://www.nehte.com.br/simposio/anais/Anais-Hipertexto-2010/Catley-Santos%26Michelle-Jordao.pdfJordao.pdf Acesso em 05 maio 2019.



How to Cite

BERTOLUCCI, D. M. de P. . (2019). Distance teaching: elaboration of scripts for the evaluative activities of English in the Business Management Course - DE (FATEC) . evista BTecLE, 3(1), 108–119. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/112019178