Among resistance, challenges and (im)possibilities: the emergence of the English language teacher in Higher Technological Education under discursive lens


  • Lucas Rodrigues LOPES Fatec Mogi Mirim/Iel – UNICAMP, Brasil
  • Cátia Veneziano PITOMBEIRA Fatec Praia Grande, Brasil


Discourse, Complexity, Hypermodernity


The hypermodern society prints new eyes and consequently new lenses for the English language teacher in technological higher education in order to burst the resistances, to overcome the challenges and to reflect on the (im)possibilities required for the construction of knowledge capable of educating a competent and skilled professional whose social practices meet, mainly, the demands of the labor market of this century as well as the conceptions of subject, subjectivity and the construction of knowledge. The theories of discourse supported by the dialogic nature of language proposed by Bakhtin (2006) intertwined by the lenses of Complexity presented by Morin (2000) and Moraes (2004) make possible these new perspectives that help the understanding and awareness of human complexity in social, professional and cultural aspects.


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How to Cite

LOPES, L. R. ., & PITOMBEIRA, C. V. (2018). Among resistance, challenges and (im)possibilities: the emergence of the English language teacher in Higher Technological Education under discursive lens . evista BTecLE, 2(1), 151–160. etrieved from