

Language teaching methodology, Applied Linguistics, English teaching and learning, YouTube


Abstract: The objective of this text is to present the characterization of elements of English language classes using YouTube. To achieve this objective, we analyzed classes from three English teaching channels. We adopted a qualitative research approach in the field of Applied Linguistics to observe and describe how the classes from the three channels conceive language, student-teacher roles and relationships, and learning, based on theories about English teaching-learning as foreign language and how such occurrences are characterized. The results seem to suggest that language, the student-teacher relationship, and learning are conceived in a very traditional way: language is a set of structures to be “transmitted” to the student, the student-teacher relationship is totally asymmetrical, and learning is mechanical, in the sense of the “banking education” criticized by Paulo Freire, even inserted in hypermedia contexts where multi and translingual practices are common.

Author Biographies

Patricia Pereira Martins, Unifesp Guarulhos

Mestranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP , área de Estudos Linguísticos. Professora de Inglês nos anos finais da rede particular de São Paulo. Email: patricia.martins10@unifesp.br

Orlando Vian Jr, Unifesp, São Paulo/SP; Brasil/ CNPq

Doutor e mestre em Lingu´ística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela PUC-SP. Estágios pós-doutorais na PUC-SP, The Sydney Unviersity/Australia e UNICAMP. Email: vian.junior@unifesp.br


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How to Cite

Pereira Martins, P., & Vian Jr, O. (2024). português CONCEPTIONS ABOUT LANGUAGE, THE STUDENT-TEACHER RELATONSHIP, AND LEARNING IN YOUTUBE ENGLISH CLASSES . evista BTecLE, 8(1). etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1176




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