
  • Rosana Nunes


Portuguese language; Linguistic protagonism; Reading workshop project; Technological course; Humanization


ABSTRACT: This article aims to present the results of a project, developed with students from technological courses whose theoretical-methodological focus is to privilege different textual genres, including job interviews, reading workshops and academic articles. This work was called the Reading Workshop Project, considering that it was a project that prioritized academic reading and writing. This project is based on studies on Project Pedagogy in Hernández (1998), as it comprises interdisciplinary work in which the technological area is privileged in line with work with the Portuguese language. The first part is the contribution of Karl Marx (2004), Antonio Gramsci (1981-1984) and Paulo Freire (1987-1997) to an education that leads to human formation, that is, the article seeks to privilege an education for Humanization. In the second part, the steps for carrying out the Reading Workshop Project are presented, from writing the pre-project (theme, objectives, justification, theoretical framework, and analysis methodology) to the objective results with the production of an article by the groups. Thus, it is believed that the project methodology, as a starting and ending point, in working with the mother tongue, can lead to greater linguistic and emancipatory protagonism in technological courses.



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How to Cite

Nunes, R. (2024). O PAPEL DOS GÊNEROS TEXTUAIS: LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA EM CURSO TECNOLÓGICO. evista BTecLE, 8(1), 150–168. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1180