Technical course of Internet Computing: ESP and the four skills
Skills, Internet Computing, English for Specific Purposes, ClassroomAbstract
This qualitative-interpretative research project aimed at analyzing the profile and interest of the students in the ESP (English for Specific Purposes) component of the technical course in Internet Computing of the State Technical Schools (Etec) from the state of São Paulo, respectively, in the Fernandópolis and Votuporanga´s school. The objective of this study is to identify the student´s preferences and expectations in relation to the course, justifying the need for reflection on the perspectives of students and the segments that permeate the classroom. Bibliographical research, article and book reading, as well as contrastive analysis of questionnaires were performed, which served as interpreted data to support modifications in the classroom practice view, culture of learning and teaching of the research participants. Which such observations and data analysis, it is expected to achieve improvements in the development of learning the four language skills (oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral production and written production) in English.
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