

Teacher education., Pedagogical practices, Teaching of English.


The present article aims to discuss the relevance of deeply understanding the process of teaching and learning English as a lingua franca and how this impacts the work of teacher educators in a free English course at a language institute in the city of São Paulo. It intends to explore the correlations between the specific literature of English teaching and the content typology proposed by Zabala (1998). The importance of these correlations for English teaching with a formative and social function, as opposed to merely functional training, will be discussed. The contributions of David Nunan, Scott Thornbury, Diane Larsen-Freeman, and Celce-Murcia will be considered as a starting point for the specific literature of the teaching of English as a lingua franca. Methodologically, this article adopts a qualitative-descriptive exploratory approach, given that the intersection between the specific literature of English teaching and the literature on general educational practices is not commonly discussed and interpreted, especially in the context of free language courses. It intends to show that the correlation, besides being possible, is relevant for English teaching based on the current needs of language learning and teaching. Regarding teacher educators in the context of language institutes, this article seeks to highlight the importance of their knowledge being expanded beyond the specific knowledge and literature of English teaching so that their collaborative work with the teacher goes beyond the technical aspects of pedagogical practice and, instead, contributes to English teaching that is formative and socially relevant.


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How to Cite

Salvanini, A., Silva, F. L. da, Baumann, P. C. de J. A., & Ramirez, R. A. (2024). TIPOLOGIA DO CONTEÚDO E ENSINO DE LÍNGUA INGLESA: CORRELAÇÕES. evista BTecLE, 8(2), 328–340. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/1209

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