Mediated voices: success as aesthetic factory of meaning production


  • Thiago Barbosa SOARES UFT, Tocantins, Brasil


Discourse Analysis, Media, Voice, Success


This article analyzes speeches about what can cause success as an aesthetic fabrication of the production of meanings by contemporary Brazilian media. More precisely, describing and interpreting the process of producing enunciated meanings constituted and formulated by the Brazilian media discourse that clearly deals with the voice of individuals considered successful at the beginning of their vocal performance. Thus, when considering the postulate of Discourse Analysis formulated by Pêcheux (2009) that subject and meaning are constituted at the same time in the historical movement, we understand that the statements about the successful voice produce, at the same time, the meanings and the subjects within it. Against this background, we investigate what it says and how a voice discourse is announced on the success of current Brazilian society and how differences in the treatment of voice discourse appear in the media world. In particular, which distinctions may not occur in the production of the meanings of successful voices when disseminated by the same diffusion vehicle. To this end, we have three texts from the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, from 2010 to 2011.


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How to Cite

SOARES, T. B. . (2021). Mediated voices: success as aesthetic factory of meaning production . evista BTecLE, 4(1), 073–089. etrieved from