The importance of socioemotional skills for the teaching of English to public school students
Socioemotional Skills, English Language Learning, Development, Teaching-LearningAbstract
This article aims to lead the reader to understand the importance of teaching socioemotional skills and how they can be developed through activities in English language with public school students. The aim is to expand the possibilities of learning with tasks and activities that contemplate the student's development considering their cognitive, emotional and social needs, improving their socioemotional skills that can facilitate both the learning of the English language itself, as well as being a transformative object in the student’s life and thus prepare them to face challenges found in the school environment and in their future working life. The data were obtained from an action research in which two questionnaires, one at the beginning and the other at the end of this study, were applied in a second year high school class in the state school “Irmã Arminda Sbrissia”, located in Bauru – São Paulo.
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