Artificial intelligence, reading exchanges, and social networks for writing: resignifying the production and dissemination of texts
Reading, Writing, Artificial Intelligences, Algorithms, Language TeachingAbstract
This article aims to detail through a case study (YIN, 2015) one of the phenomena of these virtual communities of reading and writing: the groups of reading exchanges on Wattpad. Because of hypermobility and ubiquity (SANTAELLA, 2013, p.15), the virtual world has become an environment with which society constantly coexists. This reality has allowed the advent of artificial intelligences and algorithms to influence us daily through social networks (PARISER, 2011). In this context, the forms of communication and text production have changed, allowing new forms of expression and learning to emerge, such as Wattpad reading exchange groups. This article aims to understand how the interactions in the reading exchange group on WhatsApp impact the personalization of filters promoted by algorithms of the social writing network Wattpad.
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