Bartleby, the Scrivener: language and ethos in the construction of a standoff


  • Mônica Éboli De NIGRIS Fatec Zona Leste, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Rosana Aparecida Bueno NOVAIS Fatec Zona Leste, São Paulo, Brasil


Discourse Analysis, Bartleby, Herman Melville


This article has the objective to make a reflection on the short story Bartleby, the Scrivener: a story of Wall-Street, by Herman Melville and observe two aspects of its construction. The first one is the use of the polite request “I would prefer not to” in the context in which the main character, Bartleby, uses it. The polite request will be seen as a formula usually used in business environments that have its original meanings altered in its context of production; secondly, the article searches to verify how the Lawyer´s ethos is presented; he is a methodical man that suddenly sees his routine changed by the arrival of Bartleby. In order to observe these two sides of the narrative, we will use Discourse Analysis and will support our text on the theoretical work of Maingueneau so that we can accomplish the development of our views on the short story.


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How to Cite

NIGRIS, M. Éboli D. ., & NOVAIS, R. A. B. . (2018). Bartleby, the Scrivener: language and ethos in the construction of a standoff . evista BTecLE, 2(1), 064–078. etrieved from