imaginary formation, therapy session, discourse analysisAbstract
This article aims to interpret the importance of communication in psychotherapy according to the concept of imaginary formation and its possible implications for meanings and how these are constructed in this therapeutic space, as well as aiming to train therapists in the appropriation of a discourse analysis "tool" for their practice. In order to understand these relationships, we undertook a descriptive examination of communication and how the concept of imaginary formation, derived from Discourse Analysis, can be considered operational in the psychological practice of therapy. In order to make this journey possible and make it both more perceptible and more fruitful, we bring excerpts from three literary works that deal with the therapy session as the setting in which their narratives unfold, in order to observe how imaginary formation works. The works are: "Lies on the couch" (YALOM, 2006), "Stories on the couch" (ROLÓN, 2008) and "Therapy session" (VARGAS, 2013). Among some of the results obtained from this endeavor are the necessary conditions for leaving the plane of theoretical abstractions and turning to the interpretative application of imaginary formation in situations close to those experienced by countless therapists in their offices.
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