The textual genre in reading and writing exercises


  • Thiago Barbosa SOARES Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Tocantins, Brasil


Textual genre, Writing, Reading


This article aims to present the issue of the textual genre inserted in contemporary linguistic studies, according to a brief review initiated by Bakhtin (2011), in order to later insert notes on writing (reading and) exercises from the combination of the study of genres in language teaching and training in the use and use of these relatively stable structures in the social circuit. Thus, it is observed that the genres are conformed to their contents, their compositional structures and the social functions they perform, thus originating relatively stable statements, that is, the textual genres themselves refer to the use of language because they have such characteristics. In view of the fact that the use of language is necessarily interpersonal, writing exercises based on the relations between reading and writing according to the functioning of textual genres are recommended for a comprehensive and meaningful education that aims to make students reflective and responsive agents to social demand.


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How to Cite

SOARES, T. B. . (2021). The textual genre in reading and writing exercises . evista BTecLE, 5(1), 083–106. etrieved from