Online and live English language teaching: perspectives and challenges in the teacher's craft


  • Juliana de Castro Moreira da SILVA Faculdade de Tecnologia de Mauá, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Márcia Ferreira SCHLEMPER Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Patrícia Gimenez CAMARGO USP/FFLCH, São Paulo, Brasil


Online teaching, Online learning, ICTs, English language


The aim of this article is to discuss online, and live teaching implemented in the great majority of education institutes due to the coronavirus pandemic. In spite of the new methodologies and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) adopted in the pandemic, teacher’s training to act in online and live teaching in several education levels was not a reality in Brazil. Teaching English language through this perspective demands a proactive attitude from teachers, which will be presented and discussed along this article.


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. de C. M. da ., SCHLEMPER, M. F. ., & CAMARGO, P. G. (2021). Online and live English language teaching: perspectives and challenges in the teacher’s craft . evista BTecLE, 5(1), 030–040. etrieved from