
  • Rosana Helena NUNES Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Roque, São Paulo, Brasil


Methodology of work, Technological education, Academic writing, Fatec/São Roque


The article aims to show how a work methodology can contribute to the learning in academic reading and writing. When arriving at the academic environment, sometimes the student presents difficulties in reading and writing scientific texts. To think of technological teaching in which there is a condition to improve academic writing, is to consider that this teaching will represent an epistemological leap in relation to different possibilities of insertion of the student, not only in the labor market, but in the world of work. In the light of studies developed by M. Bakhtin (1992), E. Landowski (2002), D.L.P Barros (2014), the article intends to advance the work with the scientific language, having, as object of analysis, summaries of scientific articles, developed by students of Tourism Management Course and Commercial Management Course of Fatec/São Roque.


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How to Cite

NUNES, R. H. . (2018). ACADEMIC GENRES: METHODOLOTY OF WORK IN TECHNOLOGICAL COURSES . evista BTecLE, 2(1), 161–178. etrieved from