Lifelong learning and the act of narrating as multiplying elements

Case study of an English language teacher trainer


  • Priscila Baumann CEETEPS
  • Adriana Salvanini CEETEPS
  • Fabio Lopes Silva CEETEPS
  • Rodrigo Avella Ramirez CEETEPS


autobiographical narrative, teacher training, lifelong learning


In an increasingly global and interconnected society, which has the English language as its main means of academic, technological, scientific, commercial and professional communication, that is, its lingua franca (ILF), the demands for continuing education are growing. And precisely in this context of lifelong learning, the objective of this study lies in presenting and analyzing the professional trajectory of an English language teacher who currently works in the training of English teachers. Through a biographical-narrative approach, based on the studies of Christine Delory-Momberger, Alheit, Sacristán, among others, an in-depth, semi-structured interview is adopted with a teacher whose three decades of experience in teaching contributes to the reflection and identity constitution of this teacher as a trainer of trainers. The results of the interview analysis indicate that through his unique biographical trajectory, other teachers and aspiring teacher trainers can find meaning and give new meaning to their own lifelong learning.



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How to Cite

Baumann, P., Salvanini, A. ., Lopes Silva, F., & Avella Ramirez, R. (2024). Lifelong learning and the act of narrating as multiplying elements: Case study of an English language teacher trainer. evista BTecLE, 8(1), 107–123. etrieved from

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