The experience of designing online EFL material in the technological educational context


  • Cristiane Oliveira CAMPOS GONELLA IFSP – Jacareí, Brasil
  • Rubens Fernando de Souza LOPES IFSP – Jacareí, Brasil


english, online material, active metodology, technology


In this article, we present an experience report with the objective of discussing how English language teachers and a language scholar in one of the units of the Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP) organized activities in a digital platform to offer students of the institution the possibility of expanding their studies at their own pace, encouraging proactivity. This project is a result of an attempt to meet the current demands of students in schools, namely students who, due to their active online behavior, are discouraged when they perceive themselves without the possibility of making choices and having autonomy in their teaching-learning process. In our literature review, we will address some of the elements that characterize practices based on active methodologies. Afterwards, we will present some of the didactic activities that we designed, which had as a principle the creation of a virtual environment that approached such elements.



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How to Cite

GONELLA, C. O. C., & LOPES , R. F. de S. . (2018). The experience of designing online EFL material in the technological educational context . evista BTecLE, 2(2), 033–045. etrieved from

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