The formation of socio-emotional skills as a strategy for the development of foreign language: a new look at activities’ proposal
Socio-emotional competences, English language, Teaching and learning, Methodologies, Curriculum PoliciesAbstract
The article encompasses socio-emotional skills in English teaching, highlighting its importance and means of insertion in teaching practice. We sought to verify the impact on student development when these skills are worked on, so that the student acquires better attitudes and skills. The study is justified by the fact that the world requires innovative views, especially in the educational context and that traditional teaching models no longer meet these demands. To this end, the influence of these skills was verified through the literature, with authors such as Abed and Alzina. Then, videoconferences were held, during which activities related to the theme were held. Subsequently, the students recorded videos focused on the issue of emotions. In the end, it was concluded that socioemotional skills are essential in the educational process and help the student in his trajectory of understanding and emotional conduct, inside and outside the school.
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