
  • Teresinha de Fátima Nogueira Fatec de São José dos Campos
  • Juliana Forin Pasquini Martinez Fatec de São José dos Campos e da ETEP
  • Angélica Gomes de Oliveira Fatec de São José dos Campos


Learning, Interdisciplinarity, Games


One of the trends in pedagogical practices in the context of higher education has been the interdisciplinary work and the use of technological resources. Such possibilities contribute positively to both the teachers, by checking the motivation and engagement of students in activities, and the students, who are encouraged in the production and sharing of knowledge (THIESEN, 2008). Following this trend, the researchers and teachers at Fatec of São José dos Campos, who are responsible for the subjects English Language and Programming Language, developed an interdisciplinary project with students of System Analysis and Development course, which consists of creating English learning games for students attending basic education. This paper aims at showing the results of this practice, with the partnership of one of the course students who developed her Graduation Work on the development of English learning games for smart phone. Several researchers have mentioned learning using mobile devices as a tool to motivate student learning both in the classroom and outside the school context (GODWIN-JONES, 2011; KAPP, 2016; HARIRY, 2015). Thus, in methodological terms, we present how the project was developed, the theoretical basis that we have adopted, the development and implementation of an English game for elementary school students, which was created by our graduate student. The results indicated that interdisciplinary practices contribute significantly to the intellectual autonomy of students and to make them understand how the disciplines are connected and in constant movement. Regarding teachers, it was possible to achieve in the classroom a project that was encouraged and fostered by the educational institution to which they belong, Centro Paula Souza, because both were selected to take part in a professional exchange course in international educational institutions as a way of improvement.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, T. de F. ., Martinez, J. F. P., & Oliveira, A. G. de . (2017). JOGOS PARA CELULAR: UMA EXPERIÊNCIA INTERDISCIPLINAR NA APRENDIZAGEM DE LÍNGUA INGLESA . evista BTecLE, 1(1), 454–477. etrieved from