Reflections on the importance of foreign languages in higher technological Education


  • Simone Cristina Musio
  • Valéria Cristiane Validório
  • Véra Maria Ferro Merlini


Innovation, Linguistic abilities, Foreign language teaching, Higher education technological eourse


Considering the Professional qualification needs of nowadays labor market, as well as communication in a globalized business level, Technological Teaching has adapted itself, becoming less technical in implementing both English and Spanish languages in its structure, focusing on business and personal relations. Thus, concerning the latest real professional needs, FATECs have innovated, providing their students with a particular syllabus that enables them to excel in the professional market. So, using updated pedagogical practices and with the help of well trained professors, it offers graduation with an innovative profile, offering the Market professionals special linguistic competence in labor market, obtained within a practical and communicative atmosphere. To summarize, it develops cognitive flexibility, stimulating critical thought and metacognition, exploring spontaneous capacity of restructuring the learners’ own knowledge, before changing situations, by representing knowledge or mental processes which operate, allowing social and professional insertion. Thus, FATEC, using a qualified pedagogical methodology, seeks interdisciplinary work, and offers subsides for the development of professional competence. This paper aims to discuss how, why, and on what the focus of this work is in order to guarantee meaningful language learning, mainly at the programs offered by FATEC.


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How to Cite

Musio , S. C. ., Validório, V. C. ., & Merlini , V. M. F. . (2017). Reflections on the importance of foreign languages in higher technological Education . evista BTecLE, 1(2), 184–195. etrieved from