Listening Skill: Processes, Strategies and Perspectives


  • Teresinha de Fátima NOGUEIRA Faculdade de Tecnologia de São José dos Campos, Brasil
  • Lise Virgínia Vieira de AZEVEDO Faculdade de Tecnologia de São José dos Campos, Brasil


Listening comprehension, Foreign language, Strategies, Evaluation


As English teachers, we have been concerned about the difficulty our students face when they come across real situations of oral communication in which they need to understand and make themselves understood. We know that to communicate orally it is necessary to know how to listen. However, it is noticed that the strategies that have been used in the classroom for this purpose have not contributed to the effectiveness in the student's listening comprehension. Although there are few studies on the subject, such as Vandergrift (2016) and Rost (2002), we will address aspects that facilitate and make it difficult the listening skill in English interaction practices. In addition, we present an example of a situation in which it is evaluated the listening comprehension of our students. The result gives us clues on how we can facilitate students' development of this skill besides elucidating why they make some mistakes in the listening process.


CANNING-WILSON, C. 2000. Practical Aspects of Using Video in the Foreign Language Classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, vol VI, no. 11, November. Disponível em Acesso em 26 de abril de 2018. LIAO, S. 2012. Listening Strategies and Applications in EFL Classroom. Report on English Education Resource Center of Senior High Schools in Taiwan. Disponível em Acesso em 28 de abril de 2018.

REES, G. 2003. Pre-Listening Activities. Disponível em . Acesso em 28 de abril de 2018.

ROST, M. 2002. Listening Tasks and Language Acquisition. JALT Publications. Disponível em Acesso em 30 de abril 2018.

VANDERGRIFT, L. 2016. Listening: Theory and Practice in Modern Foreign Language Competence. Centre for Languages, Linguistics & Area Studies. Disponível em Acesso em 28 de abril de 2018.

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How to Cite

NOGUEIRA, T. de F. ., & AZEVEDO, L. V. V. de . (2018). Listening Skill: Processes, Strategies and Perspectives . evista BTecLE, 2(1), 079–096. etrieved from