Aspects of English teacher for specific purposes education in a technological professional context of teaching
Teachers’ education, Professional and technological education, Language Teaching for Specific Purposes (ELFE)Abstract
This work investigates some aspects of English teacher education in the context of professional and technological education (EPT) of a federal institute. It verifies the beginning of the teacher's practice in this context and if it meets the current demands for this type of teaching. We stand out as theorists Vian Jr. (2015) and Bedin (2017), who deal with the education of language teachers for specific purposes, and Almeida Filho (2008), who emphasizes the importance of research projects in ELFE within the scope of technological institutions. The research is an interpretative case study, in which participants were applied questionnaires and interviews. Through data analysis, we found that teachers have a very similar history of work in ELFE and that they seek to align their practice to the current theoretical assumptions in ELFE, although many times we notice that they do not know the precepts that govern this type of teaching.
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