Planning and Implementing an Online CLIL Course at Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza: glimpsing EMI
CLIL, EMI, Technological EducationAbstract
This article describes the process and results of an online 40-hour pilotcourse of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) offered by Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (CEETEPS) to Fatec (Faculdade de Tecnologia) subject area teachers in 2019, named Aprendizagem integrada de conteúdos e de língua estrangeira na educação superior tecnológica. We will describe the motivation for the development of the pilot course, the methodology used and the modules planning. We concluded that in the context of technologial education, in the process of internationalization, an EMI course would be more appropriate due to the fact that CLIL tends to give greater importance to explicit knowledge of the language while in EMI contexts the focal point is on learning the subject. This led us to design and implement an online EMI course for Fatec and ETEC (Escola Técnica) subject teachers in the second semestre of 2019.
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