Sistema de Informação para avaliação de proficiência de língua estrangeira: Relato de sua evolução tecnológica
Proficiency Evaluation, Information Systems, English LanguageAbstract
This paper presents the development of an Integrated Management System (GIS) that works online and aims to standardize the Foreign Language Placement test of the State Center of Technological Education Paula Souza, assisting professors to verify the level of English proficiency of freshman students at this Center. The advantages of using an appropriate tool, with quality and in a standardized manner, to meet the needs of this institution, which is distributed geographically by the state of São Paulo, are described. The methodology used in this study is descriptive in nature, enumerating the technologies used in this process as well the history of its technological evolution. At the end, the need for constant updating of technologies to meet adequately the demands of the institution could be observed. This project also found that the use of appropriate technology is essential to provide quality support in the context presented, facilitating access to content in a satisfactory and equal way.
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