Evaluation, Proficiency Exam, Reflective TeachingAbstract
One of the ways companies use to evaluate the proficiency of English of their employees or candidates in their selection process is through proficiency exams. Following this trend, English professors of Faculdade de Tecnologia Jéssen Vidal de São José dos Campos (FATEC) designed a test named ‘Exame de Verificação de Aprendizagem’ - EVA, a learning verification exam, comprising reading and listening questions, based on the content of the adopted book. In addition to checking how students are learning the content, it also aims to prepare them to take proficiency exams. The result has been used as feedback for teachers and students. Thus, the purpose of this article is to describe a process of evaluation, initially, classificatory, which, over time, acquired a formative aspect due to the need to create a significant subsidiary instrument of educational practice. As support for this study, we used the concepts of evaluation proposed by Luckesi (2002; 2004), Fernandes (2009) Vygotsky (1999), and Méndez (2002), and Perrenoud’s (2002) thoughts on the reflective teacher practice. For this research, which we characterize as a case study, a sample was chosen and we present the result of exam questions applied to the Industrial Production Management course in the second and fourth semesters. The exam consists of 80 questions, some of listening, subdivided into four sections with increasing level of difficulty, and others of reading, following the same pattern. We analyzed two questions in each subdivision, the largest number of mistakes and successes as criteria for their selection. The results indicate that the successes are due to lexical domain and listening situations explored in class. The mistakes were more present in questions that required inference by the student. This analysis gives us subsidies for reflection on our teaching practice and its transformation.
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