An invitation to the Reflection on Pedagogical Practices Based on the Affect- Cognition Relation


  • Lise Virgínia Vieira de Azevedo FATEC Professor Jessen Vidal – São José dos Campos
  • Rubens Fernando de Souza Lopes Instituto Federal de São Paulo – Câmpus Jacareí
  • Teresinha de Fátima Nogueira FATEC Professor Jessen Vidal – São José dos Campos


Affect-cognition, Reflection, Transdisciplinarity


This paper aims to address the issue of affectivity as an inherent factor in the development of technical college students. For this purpose, authors who discuss the relation between affection and cognition in the teaching-learning process, such as Vygotsky (1934), Imai (2010), Silva e Abud (2007) were studied in this bibliographic research (GIL, 2008). We also elucidate the need for a reflexive attitude from the teacher so that he/she can propose classroom practices which make it possible to understand the student in his/her totality. Besides, we briefly discuss how a transdisciplinary approach can pave the way for more humanized education. In our view, teachers/professors prepared to understand issues related to the affective domain have the possibility to plan practices which are relevant to the reality and needs of their students.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, L. V. V. de ., Lopes, R. F. de S. ., & Nogueira, T. de F. . (2017). An invitation to the Reflection on Pedagogical Practices Based on the Affect- Cognition Relation . evista BTecLE, 1(2), 209–221. etrieved from

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