The English language in aircraft maintenance: research of the most frequent terms about the topic “The Dirty Dozen” and their respective translations


  • Heitor Mateus FONSECA Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo – Campus São Carlos, São Carlos, Brasil
  • Daniela TERENZI Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo – Campus São Carlos, São Carlos, Brasil


Aircraft maintenance, The dirty dozen, Vocabulary, Glossary, Corpus Linguistics


Responsible for a significant part of flight safety, the aircraft maintenance is in charge of the execution of the tasks that influence directly the aircraft airworthiness.  Considering the work environment in which the aircraft maintenance is performed, there are twelve human factors which decrease people’s ability to work effectively and safely that may lead to maintenance errors.  There are guidelines, documents and lots of studies of these factors known as “the dirty dozen”. However, most of those documents, which can and must be used for awareness and study, is written in English. Thus, this article describes the main results of a study as a part of a scientific initiation research project and presents an analysis of the most recurring terms considering the “dirty dozen” topic in specialized texts, taking into account the context and the possible translations, to develop an English – Portuguese bilingual glossary. 


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How to Cite

FONSECA, H. M. ., & TERENZI, D. (2020). The English language in aircraft maintenance: research of the most frequent terms about the topic “The Dirty Dozen” and their respective translations . evista BTecLE, 4(1), 389–402. etrieved from

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