Tools used in maintenance of aircraft engines: study of terms and their translations


  • Gustavo Scalon Borges D’AGOSTINO Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brasil
  • Daniela TERENZI Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brasil


Foreign languages, Technical terms, Maintenance Manuals, Aviation, Aircraft Maintenance Tools


In the context of language studies for specific purposes, it is understood that each area of science has its own jargon composed of many technical terms, both in Portuguese and in foreign languages. Thus, when it comes to a foreign language, knowledge of the terms also requires the study of that other language and its diversity. However, in some areas, the number of researches about the technical terms used is scarce so that those interested in the area can use the results as material for study and assistance in the work. In aviation, such scarcity occurs mainly in relation to the translation of technical terms, which (in most cases) are used in English. Through the selection of tool names in aircraft engine maintenance manuals for large aircraft from two manufacturers, the research reported here aimed to develop a technical-bilingual (English-Portuguese) glossary with the names of these tools.


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How to Cite

D’AGOSTINO , G. S. B. ., & TERENZI , D. (2020). Tools used in maintenance of aircraft engines: study of terms and their translations . evista BTecLE, 4(1), 519–534. etrieved from

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