
  • Regina Rogick LOPES CEETEPS
  • Rodrigo Avella Ramirez
  • Luis Fernando Muller da Silva CEETEPS
  • Thiago da Silva Vieira


Educação profissional; Ensino de línguas; Abordagem instrumental.


Professional education is constituted in the scope of society, culture and work, thus, this article aims to investigate the relationship between Language Teaching for Specific Purposes in technical high school courses in the state of São Paulo and the most appropriate choices for competency-based teaching. It focuses on the concept of needs analysis as it is the differential of this approach. It starts from a bibliographical and an exploratory research through direct observation, it seeks to understand its variants, finally considering that its assumptions can extrapolate the field of language teaching for specific purposes.


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How to Cite

LOPES, R. R. ., Ramirez, R. A., Muller da Silva, L. F., & Vieira, T. da S. (2022). PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND LANGUAGES: NEEDS ANALYSIS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. evista BTecLE, 6(1), 109–122. etrieved from

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