The influence of technologies in nowadays generations behavior: tools for learning foreign languages


  • William Barbosa da SILVA Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jaú, Jaú/SP, Brasil
  • Valéria Cristiane VALIDÓRIO Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jaú, Jaú/SP, Brasil
  • Simone Cristina MUSSIO Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jaú, Jaú/SP, Brasil


Information and communication technologies, Computer assisted language learning, Gamification, Foreign languages


This paper aims at analyzing the use of technology as an additional resource for learning foreign languages. By means of a bibliographical research it was analyzed the use of new educational technologies, considering the emergence of several generations (Baby Boomers, X, Y, Z and Alpha). Thus, there is evidence of the contributions of the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), an instruction model which can help the foreign language learning, as well as of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), that allowed users to develop/structure their knowledge from communication/interaction to the world. Gamification is another resource that can contribute to learn foreign languages, engaging the users and motivating them to progress in their studies, besides making the learning process a more dynamic experience. Therefore, the applications Duolingo & Tinycards, Busuu and Linguee were presented, demonstrating how these tools became mediators in learning a foreign language for such generations, connected by smartphones/devices.


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How to Cite

SILVA, W. B. da ., VALIDÓRIO, V. C. ., & MUSSIO, S. C. . (2019). The influence of technologies in nowadays generations behavior: tools for learning foreign languages . evista BTecLE, 3(1), 002–022. etrieved from

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