EMI: An experience in the technological higher education


  • Fabiana IGNÁCIO Centro Paula Souza, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Rodrigo Avella RAMIREZ Unidade de pós graduação-Ceeteps, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Helena Gemignani PETEROSSI Unidade de pós-graduação-Ceeteps, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Beatriz Galhardo Oliveira SANCHES Centro Paula Souza, São Paulo, Brasil


EMI, Technological higher education, Lingua franca


Nowadays, the English language has acquired, on a worldwide scale, the role of lingua franca, that is, a language used for international communication between non-native speakers of the language. This new role of English has generated innovations in the teaching-learning of the language, especially in higher education. Within this context, EMI (English As Medium Of Instruction) emerges. This article is a case study that aimed at reporting an experience and the challenges in implementing a pilot course in the EMI environment within a public institution of technological higher education in the State of São Paulo. The data were obtained through bibliographic references and, also, through a semi-structured interview. The results allow  to conclude that this innovative experience has achieved its objectives and that it will certainly contribute to the creation of other EMI projects. 


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How to Cite

IGNÁCIO, F., RAMIREZ, R. A. ., PETEROSSI, H. G. ., & SANCHES, B. G. O. . (2020). EMI: An experience in the technological higher education . evista BTecLE, 4(2), 51–63. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/290

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