English language literacy: reports of a teaching practice


  • Fabiana IGNÁCIO Centro Paula Souza, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Rodrigo Avella RAMIREZ Unidade de pós graduação-Ceeteps, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Rosália Maria Netto PRADOS Unidade de pós graduação-Ceeteps, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Alice Turibio NARITA Foreducation Edtech, São Paulo, Brasil


Social Literacy, English language, Translation, Narrative Inquiry


In a higher education technology course, freshmen students have to take the subject English-1, which consists of equipping students for the oral and written communication of personal information. This article aims to analyze a literacy activity, applied to a group of freshmen students of the technological course in Logistics of a state public institution. The Social Theory of Literacy (TSL) is used to demonstrate, within the scope of an activity proposed to students, how literacy occurs in a specific social practice: a job interview. In the methodological path, with a qualitative approach, narrative research is used, according to Clandinin e Connely (2015) for an analysis of the data obtained. The results indicate that the beginning students perceive themselves capable of socially intervening in the target language.


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How to Cite

IGNÁCIO, F., RAMIREZ, R. A. ., PRADOS, R. M. N. ., & NARITA, A. T. . (2021). English language literacy: reports of a teaching practice . evista BTecLE, 5(1), 059–070. etrieved from https://revista.cbtecle.com.br/index.php/CBTecLE/article/view/340

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