language policy: possibilities for the implementation of English as a medium of instruction at CEETEPS


  • Fabiana IGNÁCIO CEETEPS, São Paulo/SP, Brasil
  • Rodrigo Avella RAMIREZ Unidade de pós graduação-Ceeteps, São Paulo/SP, Brasil
  • Aline Wanderley Camisassa DITTA CEETEPS, São Paulo/SP, Brasil
  • Thiago de MATOS CEETEPS, São Paulo/SP, Brazil


Linguistic Polices, English Medium Instruction, Teaching-learning, Postgraduation


Nowadays, the English language is the most used language worldwide for international communication between non-native speakers worldwide; it has acquired the role of lingua franca. This new role of English has brought innovations in the teaching-learning of the language, especially in higher education. Within this context, EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) emerges. This article aims at analyzing the Linguistic Polices from a public institution of technological higher education in the State of São Paulo, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (CEETEPS) to verify the possibility of implementing a course in the EMI environment in their postgraduation courses. The methodology used in this article was the documental analysis, since it shows evidence that support the affirmation that CPS validates the EMI practices in their postgraduation courses. The result shows that it is viable and possible the implementation of an EMI project in the postgraduation courses, validated by the Linguistic Polices from CEETEPS.


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How to Cite

IGNÁCIO, F. ., RAMIREZ, R. A. ., DITTA, A. W. C. ., & MATOS, T. de . (2021). language policy: possibilities for the implementation of English as a medium of instruction at CEETEPS. evista BTecLE, 5(2), 089–100. etrieved from

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